The In’s And Out’s

Here at PermaCreations we are covering all things homestead and everything in between. We are talking all of it and mean it.

“The In Is and Out Is”

What We Really Mean

What you put in, is what you get out. That’s what it is all about.

Get Good With What You Got

The main technique used in permaculture and homesteading is learning to use the local resources that are available.

Use the tools handy and there is no such thing as junk. Never waste anything, it has a use. Just think and find its place.

∞ Acres

This will follow the journey of one family turning 8 acres of dying forest into an edible paradise. Situated in Marquette County, one of the most populated areas of Michigan’s upper peninsula, the Property has 260’ of road frontage and runs a third of a mile deep. This is a hardwood forest that was logged off approximately 40 years ago, that’s how the story goes anyway.

This property can be separated into two sections, the front half and the rear. The front half of this property is quite swampy which contains mostly evergreens; Hemlocks, Cedars, and Pines to be exact.

The rear holds a solid stand of Hard and Soft Maples, Yellow and White Birch, and the occasional Oak. Hemlocks dominate this property at all points and are some of the oldest specimens in this forest. The rear portion of the property has areas of high ground and remnants of what seem to be old creek beds running through all portions. At one point or another, this property was flowing with water, the main cause to the death of this forest is the lack of water the trees would have been accustomed to 40 years ago.

Climate change is real to some extent; Earth is drying up and nature is taking the fall for it. Trees specifically and I mean they are literally falling over from drought conditions and condensed forests. Unmaintained forests due to lack of wildlife and improper usage by humans led to the demise of high-quality trees, the forests are noticeably suffering. This land is far from ideal when it comes to developing it into something with functionality, but a challenge is a wonderful thing. This land has no direct access from the road by vehicle and is so densely packed with trees, it will be some time before a road or trail can properly be placed running the length of the parcel.

A PermaCreations exclusive, ∞ Acres From Forest To Farm, taking a journey of creating something permanent for the love of Earth. This will be a beautiful adventure, following the view of a simple family who believes point of view is everything. Follow along and stay up to date while we transform a wasteland, to paradise. Nature is the only teacher, if there is a will, there is a way, just stop and listen.